Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Kohlton - Rousseau & Locke

The Age of Enlightenment was a great time of philosophers that brought many great ideas to the world. The most influential and important philosophers of the time were John Locke and Jean Rousseau. Rousseau was raised in a poor family so he had a perspective on the world that not many other philosophers had at the time. Locke grew up during the glorious revolution which showed him the good side of humanity. At the core of their beliefs they thought that humans were good, and can cooperate with each other. They also shared views on government and thought it was necessary but shouldn’t have total power over the people they ruled. Locke and Rousseau had the most accurate opinions on human nature and government out of the enlightened philosophers.

            Locke lived through the glorious revolution which gave him a more positive view on the world than other philosophers in the Enlightenment. It mainly showed him that humans can govern themselves, can cooperate, and most importantly that humans are naturally good. Rousseau grew up in a poor family and because of that he never conformed to what he saw as corrupt. Growing up poor also influenced him towards being a strong believer that all humans were equal and should be treated as such.

            Locke and Rousseau agreed on the fact that humans are good in their natural state. Locke believed that creating society was a natural step for human beings. He also fought for equality and believed everyone had the right to land, liberty and, property. Rousseau thought humans were different from animals because humans can improve themselves. He believed that people cannot truly become humans until they interact in society and can never return to that state. Then again he also thought that society corrupted man, and thought that all titles of nobility should be abolished as they show inherent inequality.

            Rousseau and Locke agreed that government was necessary for any functioning society but also thought any single person in government shouldn’t have absolute power. Locke believed that without proper consent of the people, any organised society would become corrupt. Locke also thought all laws should only be in place if they are necessary to protect, meaning government should interfere as little as possible in normal life. He also thought if a ruler became corrupt the people had the right to revolt. Rousseau thought government is only good if it works to protect the general will of the people. He said that in an ideal society there is only an agreement with only the people voting with no government involved.

            Locke lived during a time of human cooperation and peacefulness which gave him the idea that humans were generally good and can cooperate without government intervention. Locke believed that government should be based on an agreement between the people and government and should be limited only to what is needed. Rousseau grew up in a poor family which shaped his views towards thinking that all humans should be treated equally no matter their social status. Growing up with only simple things made him think that humans can live peacefully. It also gave him a more positive view on human nature. In conclusion John Locke and Jean Rousseau were the best philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment because they shared accurate views on both human nature and government that remain relevant to this day.

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