Friday, March 20, 2015

John Locke-Connor

John Locke was born in England on august 29th 1932 and died 0ctober 28th 1704. John Locke lived through the glorious revolution which took place in 1688-1689.  This influenced his views on government. These views said that everyone had natural rights and no one had the divine right to rule. Locke believed that humans were good and cooperative. I believe that Locke was the best Philosopher of his time and helped shape our government. Locke lived through and important time of our history and understood humans and there rights.

John Locke- Bryden

The Glorious Revolution played a significant role in John Locke’s life. The Glorious Revolution took place from 1688 to1689 which helped John Locke shape his views on society and government. John Locke was born in 1632 and died in 1704. Locke believed humans were basically good and cooperative. Locke argued that the only purpose of the government would be to serve the people and meet their needs. Locke remains one of the best philosophers because his views have impacted today’s society and government.

Thomas Hobbes - Kacey

        Many philosophers shaped the Age of Reason into what it was. One of those was English philosopher Thomas Hobbes who grew up during the English Civil War. Hobbes viewed people at their worst during this time. Because of this he said that people needed an absolute power to rule over them. Thomas Hobbes had the best views because he based them off how people truly are: savage, dark, and greedy.

Francois-Marie Arouet- Cassidy

Francois- Marie Arouet, or known as Voltaire. He was one of many philosophers in his time. Voltaire came from a middle class family then when he passed away he was a millionaire with his books and his past.  He was the greatest because he believed in for what was right and tried to make it happen. He did not believe in democracy. He had a bad past but he fought for what he thought was right. Francois- Marie Arouet thought that everyone should be treated equally, even women, it shouldn’t matter what class they are in. Voltaire is the best philosopher because he stood up to what he believed in and did not change his mind and he thought that everyone, even women should be treated right within a society.

Voltaire- By Dain

           The late 1500’s to the late 1700’s were an age of reason allowing lots of different people from different time periods and locations to share their opinions on human nature to ideas on how the government should operate. François-Marie Arouet commonly known as Voltaire was amongst the best philosophers and his words and knowledge is portrayed in today’s generation and will still apply for a long time after. Voltaire was the best philosopher, because he put others in front of him and pointed out evil along with a solution on how to fix it.

         Voltaire lived between 1664-1778 and was born in France to a middle-class family. He lived in a time of science, logic and reasoning along with other philosophers, because of his background his views shined through more than others. Because of him growing up in middle-class it was easy for him to see problems from rich to poor people without being bias. He saw all the people’s problems as one, no matter where they or their family originated and how their class in society. Voltaire praised others work such as Locke and Newton. He was known for his plays and novels and passed away in 1778 at the age of 83. With the combined logic of other philosophers, Voltaire had the best ideas on the world and everything in it such as human nature and society.

         Voltaire argued for an ignorant free society full of freedom, equality and people aware of what’s going on around them. Voltaire argued for free religion, freedom of thought even if he didn’t believe in someone’s god he still stood for them. He is credited for saying “I do not agree with what you say, but I will fight till death, the right for you to say it”. He was the least arrogant and instead of defending only him and defended all people and it really showed what type of person he was. His thoughts on humans were accurate, but his thoughts on government were precise.

           Voltaire fought for the people has a whole. He thought the best ruler was an enlightened monarch, which basically means someone who is educated on government. It seems self-explanatory, but still lots of people never came to grips with that idea and it wasn't brought up until Voltaire.
This idea was brought to light, because he also believed people could not govern themselves. Lots of his ideas were revolved around Locke’s such as being able to rebel against the leader if he was a tyrant. He took the best from many other philosophers and accepted their ideas showing once again, he was open and ignorant free, just like the way he wanted to see society.

          Voltaire and his thoughts were the most realistic surrounding people and government. Using his position and place he made his own thoughts and shared them amongst people which allowed us to seething from a middle man. Voltaire may be dead now, but his words and suggestions live on forever.

A witty saying proves nothing.

The Story of John Locke-Parker Auchstaetter

The Enlightenment was a time of frequent question of society and government. John Locke was a free willed philosopher that was a doctor, and a scientist. John Locke lived through the Glorious Revolution. Locke believed that people had natural rights. Locke also saw Government as a contract of rulers and people being ruled. John Locke was the best philosopher who believed in a fair government that would protect the natural rights of his people.

John Locke was a philosopher that lived through the Glorious Revolution. The Glorious Revolution, also called the Revolution of 1688, was the overthrow of King James II by a union of English Parliamentarians with the Dutch stadtholder (medieval function, which during the 16th-18th centuries developed into a rare type of de facto hereditary head of state of the thus crowned republic of the Netherlands.) and William III of Orange-Nassau. John Locke also was a doctor and a scientist that did not believe in the Devine Right of Kings. He wrote a book that was called Two Treatises on Government. Since John Locke lived through the Glorious Revolution his ideas would be reasonable.
 John Locke lived through the Glorious Revolution, which had an impact in his views for society. The Glorious Revolution was the beginning of a time where everyone lived peacefully in a state of nature. Government should protect that people have natural rights like life, liberty, and happiness. A social contract protected their rights; the people could rebel if the
government disobeyed the contract. Since John Locke saw society as reasonable and cooperative but a contract would be successful.
             Locke saw that people didn’t need rules or restrictions. Locke thought that the purpose of government was to establish order in society. He saw government as a contract between rulers and the ruled. He said that rulers can stay in power as long as they have the consent of the people. People can rebel if the ruler is a tyrant or if he breaks the contract. Laws that limit what people can do should be made if it will protect them from something.
John Locke was in my opinion the best and I think he had the most views that we have this present day. He lived through the Glorious Revolution, so he has seen humans and society through one of the most peaceful times in English history. He said “It is a very difficult to be human without a society to teach on how to be human.” He thought that people could be peaceful on their own and didn’t need government to make rules and make everything difficult for the people who had a peaceful none worry life before government. 
Eric: John Locke
The Glorious Revolution played a vital role in creating John Locke’s views.  John Locke had the best views on the government and society of all the philosophers during the enlightenment.  Living through the most peaceful revolution helped Locke to believe humans were cooperative and reasonable.  Lastly, he believed in a government that worked with the consent of the people.  John Locke was the most accurate and influential philosopher known to man during the enlightenment.