Friday, March 20, 2015

Thomas Hobbes - Kacey

        Many philosophers shaped the Age of Reason into what it was. One of those was English philosopher Thomas Hobbes who grew up during the English Civil War. Hobbes viewed people at their worst during this time. Because of this he said that people needed an absolute power to rule over them. Thomas Hobbes had the best views because he based them off how people truly are: savage, dark, and greedy.
       Thomas Hobbes was born in 1588. Hobbes’ childhood has been described as a complete blank. Many things about his early years as a child are unknown, including his mother’s name. One of the known facts is that Hobbes passed around through many different schools including Magdalen Hall. In 1651 Hobbes wrote a book called the Leviathan. In this book Hobbes wrote about his views on government and how a strong central authority was needed to avoid evil and civil war. Hobbes passed away in 1679. 
       Hobbes lived through the English Civil War. The Civil War was a series of conflicts between the parliament and the monarchy.  It lasted from 1642-1649. During this time Hobbes saw people at their worst. This is why Hobbes described people as competitive, fearful, and that they’re constantly looking for praise. Hobbes decided that humans need an absolute power to rule over them because people are incapable of cooperating together.
       Hobbes thought that because of man’s nature people needed an absolute monarch with absolute power to rule over them. He stated that people need rules to keep them in line. He thought people couldn't work or cooperate together, so the only way to keep things civil was to have a monarch rule over them. Hobbes also stated that the people couldn't rebel against their ruler, even if the ruler was a tyrant. Rebelling against their ruler could only lead to problems.
       Thomas Hobbes saw people as savages during the civil war. He saw that people couldn't work together in a civil manner during this time. Unfortunately, there will always be war, so therefore people will be savage, competitive, fearful, and always looking for praise just as Hobbes described. Hobbes pointed out what others tried to avoid: people are savage.  Rules need to be placed and people need to act accordingly in order for things to remain civil. These rules must be put in place by an absolute monarch according to Hobbes. Thomas Hobbes was the best philosopher because his views on people were absolutely true. Because of his views on people, his views on government were shaped the way they were. Time and time again we humans have proved Thomas Hobbes right. We still continue to have wars where people are proven savage. We have rendered ourselves incapable of cooperation throughout history many times resulting in war. Thomas Hobbes’ views were right, but many still choose to ignore the obvious: people are savage and need rules set for them.

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