Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Absolute Monarchy Isn't a Good Form of Government- Kacey

An absolute monarchy is not a good form of government because the people have little to no say in the decisions made, which leads to a bias government only displaying one point of view. A monarchy is a form of government in which a king or a queen rules over a country, having the upper hand in all decisions that have to be made. People are able to state their views through people lower than the king, but overall the king or queen makes the final decision. Because of this the common folk have little power in the decision making process. The best they can hope for is to have an influence in the decision. A form of government with an official elected by the people to run the country would be the best form, because the elected official represents the people. This way all people can get their thoughts on decisions, etc. into the government making it not so bias and narrow-minded. These theories proved themselves worthy time and time again in the French Revolution.  Before the revolution, France had an absolute monarchy type of government. Most people weren't happy with this because of the incompetent leaders who had all the power. Louis XV was described as unintelligent and a weak ruler, while his successor, Louis XVI was described as indecisive and was known for his disinterest in political power. Louis XVI consulted no one when it came to making decisions, and therefore gave all the power to himself. While under the Old Regime (monarchy) France decided to help with the American Revolution, because of this France was in a financial crisis.  Because of this, the decision was made that only the third estate (peasants, poor people) would have to pay taxes. This just shows how little influence the people had, because if they did have any influence they would have never stood for the heavy, unfair taxes they had to pay. Having a government where people can influence the decisions and elect someone who they deem fit to rule is the best form of government because everyone is represented and everyone has somewhat of a say. Unlike the monarchy during the French Revolution which only caused problems.

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