Friday, May 1, 2015

French Revolution- Bryden

Napoleon was one of the most brilliant leaders in history. Napoleon was not born into power since he spent early years training to become an army officer at a French military academy. Napoleon rose very quickly in the army during the revolution because many officers fled France. Napoleon was general at age 24/27 and soon received command. Napoleon won several brilliant victories over the Austrians who ruled northern Italy. Napoleon also invaded Egypt and defeated them. Napoleon controlled nearly all of Europe, Netherlands, and parts of Italy. Napoleon invented many great things like the Napoleonic code. The Napoleonic code had many key concepts at its core like, Equality under the law, Freedom of religion, and the code also abolishes serfdom, just to list a few. The Code contributed greatly to Napoleon's achievement of helping France turn away from the past. To strengthen the French economy, he enforced a law requiring all citizens to pay taxes. He also created the national Bank of France, in which the tax money was deposited. He also set up government-run school to fill the need for educated, loyal government officials. Napoleon was also very greedy as he grabbed the crown from the Pope?s hand and crowned himself. I believe that without being a little greedy you can?t be a very good leader. Yes he made some bad decisions but everyone can?t be perfect. These are just some of the reasons why I think he was a good leader. 

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