Friday, May 1, 2015

French Revolution- Connor

        Do you think Napoleon was a great leader of France or was he a self-centred killer? He was a great military leader and did many good things on the war side, but his political side wasn?t so good and he seemed like he wanted to change too much in too little of time. I feel like napoleon was fearless and he never really thought about every outcome, which wouldn?t show on the battle field and if it did it would usually benefit him, but it would show it on his political side and sometimes hurt him and his empire. He won several brilliant wars because of this and gained lots of territory, and becoming general by age 24. He also made the Napoleonic code which benefited people by freedom of religion and equality under the law but it also hurt women?s and children?s rights, he also had a couple political accomplishments like making everyone pay taxes and abolishing serfdom, he did a great job at spreading nationalism and making his people proud. So Napoleons positive contributions outweigh is bad ones. Napoleon did what he though was best for war and his community sometimes these things did get in the way and damage others like his economy, women?s and children?s rights, but overall Napoleon was an outstanding leader and there will most likely never be another one like him.

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